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DownThemAll: News

Third Beta of DownThemAll 3.0 February 20, 2013

DownThemall! 3.0b3, which is the third preview release of the upcoming Version 3.0, was just released. It is indented for users willing to cope with bleeding edge software and reporting issues back to us.

This new release is the result of a couple of years of development, and lately focused on taking advantage of recent mozilla technologies, incl. restartless add-ons, asynchronous I/O to make things snappy and better platform integration. It also brings a lot of other major and minor new and improved features and bug fixes.
In this beta version, I profiled and optimized various common performance issues, most notably with Download Queue Search/Column Filters and also speeding up the loading and closing of the Manager window.
Additionally, this release addresses some important fixes for problems uncovered in the previous Beta releases.

Get DownThemAll! 3.0 Beta 3, release notes and install options

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Benoit Girard, Anton Kovalyov, Alex Crichton, the Mozilla Snappy and SPS folks and whoever else contributed for making the awesome Gecko Profiler possible, first as an add-on and now even in the Developer Tools of the latest Firefox Nightlies!
That particular tool tremendously helped optimize DTA code in the past, in particular when developing this latest Beta release. Before that runtime profiling was a very tedious job and sometimes when involved patching up Firefox itself to get usable results. If you’re a web developer or add-on author, I suggest you give it a try. For now, there isn’t much documentation available, but I think for the most part this thing is pretty self-explanatory.

Thanks for testing
Nils – on behalf of the team