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Extraordinary edition!

Extraordinary edition!
DownThemAll! on news sites.

What does the press write about us? Read it by yourself...

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DownThemAll: Renaming mask

Assuming as base directory “C:Downloads”, and “” as the file to be downloaded, here we have a bunch of standard renaming masks and their result:

Renaming mask Result
*name*.*ext* C:Downloadsdocument.doc
*name*_*hh*.*mm*.*ext* C:Downloadsdocument_23.30.doc
*name*_(*text*).*ext* C:Downloadsdocument_(click here to download).doc
*num*_*name*.*ext* C:Downloads32_document.doc

(*num* tag will increment on every new dta session, it’s a great way to avoid duplicate filenames!)
*ext**name*.*ext* C:Downloadsdocdocument.doc
*m*-*d*-*y**name*.*ext* C:Downloads5-27-2006document.doc
*url**name*.*ext* C:Downloadswww.mysite.comdocument.doc
*url**subdirs**name*.*ext* C:Downloadsyoursite.comdir1dir2myfile.txt
*url**subdirs*-*name*.*ext* C:Downloadsyoursite.comdir1-dir2-myfile.txt